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Monday, May 21, 2007


Work At Home

Finding Work at Home Jobs and Employment

I'm gonna let you in on a work at home secret that I have discovered after doing years of work at home research and trying to make an extra income myself.

Work at Home JOBS are scarce!

There, I said it. Now....don't get all bent out of shape, or feel the need to give up. When I was looking for work at home and a way to supplement my family's income, I just decided to dedicate time each day to my search.

I ended up working as a chat room moderator, a writer and a web designer! How did I find these REAL work at home opportunities? I searched and searched. I had to take a test for the moderator job and I had to have certain office equipment and programs on my computer.

Work At Home

Finding Work at Home Jobs and Employment

I'm gonna let you in on a work at home secret that I have discovered after doing years of work at home research and trying to make an extra income myself.

Work at Home JOBS are scarce!

There, I said it. Now....don't get all bent out of shape, or feel the need to give up. When I was looking for work at home and a way to supplement my family's income, I just decided to dedicate time each day to my search.

I ended up working as a chat room moderator, a writer and a web designer! How did I find these REAL work at home opportunities? I searched and searched. I had to take a test for the moderator job and I had to have certain office equipment and programs on my computer.

Creating Clerical Work From Home

What does this mean?

Welp...for starters....
What kind of skills do you have? Just owning a computer and typing in chat rooms or emails to your sister do not constitute "real" skills. How are your actual clerical skills shaping up? How fast can you accurately type? What desk top publishing skills do you have? Are you trained in transcription? What about copywriter, editor, proofreader? Do you have training or education in those skills?

The advice I received from many working at home in the clerical field, most said they contacted small businesses in their area and offered low cost outsourcing for odds and ends. Here are a few ideas of what I came across interviewing people.

-One mother of three kids (all under the age of 6!), makes confirmation calls for a vets office each day. Each evening they fax over the following days appointments and she calls and confirms and faxes the list back to the vets office before 5:00.

-One mother of twins does paralegal work from her home for a small law firm in her town. She does it all from her small home office around her children's naps.

Both of these women contacted the business or company they now work for and initiated employment. They didn't just randomly mail out their resume or call people. They honed their skills and and decisively went after what they felt they were qualified for, would enjoy and was flexible enough for them.

Many telecommuting jobs pay minimum wage. They are not usually high-power, high-demand positions, therefore they don't pay top dollar. Most are part-time. So--if you're looking for around $100 extra a week -- you can typically find something geared toward that range. But don't balk! There have been many times in my life where $400 a month would have made a whole lot of difference for me and my family!

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